“Breast implants are the least effective and most problematic devices that have ever been approved”
After spending $1,000’s on big boobs, sick women everywhere are battling even bigger problems; autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome and now the medical establishment to get breast implants out of their bodies and off the market.
BUSTED provides unique insight into the very complicated ecosystem of Breast Implants. From the FDA Approval that gives implant manufactures the right to sell them, to doctors who implant patients to make money, to the symptomatic and sick patients who fight to get that money back so they can finally Explant. BUSTED explores the twisted and long-winded history behind these devices, taking viewers on a journey of discovery. We hear from a variety of women and parallel their stories with what is happening in breast implant research, FDA hearings and medical expert interviews to try and better understand this long-overlooked topic. Are the breast implants making the women sick or could it be related to something else such as an unknown illness or pre-existing conditions?